For Biochemistry / Immuno and Hematology analyzers

The TresaCIH is is a biohazardous decontamination system that can treat
highly concentrated and non-concentrated effluents generated by Biochemistry, Immuno and Hematology Analyzers. For optimal efficiency, TresaCIH treatment solution combines two different technologies (filtration and Uvc Irradiation) to:
– Neutralize chemical reagents
– Eliminate biological contaminants (Pathogens)
The TresaCIH is a compact and fully automated system that will perfectly fit behind or next to your analyzers.

For Biochemistry / Immuno analyzers

For Hematology analyzers

Like the TresaCI, the Tresa H decontamination principle is based on a set UvC dose applied against the wastewater. As the effluent generated by Hematology analyzers are more concentrated that Biochemistry analyzers the dilution parameters have been set at a different level to obtain the appropriate optical density before decontamination cycle starts.

For entire laboratory

TresaTL is the ultimate on-site solution designed to help health care laboratories overcome the most stringent requirements related to effluent treatment by:
– Neutralization and inactivation of pathogens / microorganisms
– Oxidizing chemical compounds
– Improving the biodegradability of effluents to a COD/BOD ratio <3*
The Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) used by the TresaTL combines Ozone (O3) with UVc at 254nm to offer a powerful effluent treatment solution for all the wastewater generated by laboratory analyzers. Organic oxidation occurs due to the indirect reaction with produced hydroxyl radicals (OH°), dissolved molecular Ozone (O3) and direct photolysis generated by the UV Lamp. The TresaTL system can decontaminate up to 1’500L of wastewater per day.

Specific Biochemistry analyzers